Being raised in the Californian, Mojave desert, might explain why Melvin Duane's music is so HOT. Born in the month of February, this quirky Aquarian, believes he is as old as he feels. Which he describes as a mature 19. Surrounded by a family of singers and preachers, no one thing, can attribute to his influences. Acknowledging his gift, as also his calling, he is both a preacher and a singer. His music and his faith go hand in hand. It is his joy, his refuge, his source of healing and spiritual connection. If you asked, he would tell you, God is my inspiration.
With God taking top tier, he also enjoys family, being a foodie, HGTV, traveling, the "great outdoors", an occasional shopping addiction, & any opportunity to laugh. You cannot refute his contagious smile! Humbly unamused by fame & popularity, he believes, a star doesn't need flashing lights to shine. However, if his light can shine on someone else's life, giving them hope, joy, peace or encouragement, then that for him, is the sweetest thang. For Melvin if someone choose faith in the process; well, that would be the cherry on top.
Lots of bass and a snare that cracks, are the roux for this artist’s music recipe. Whether he is cooking up Jazz, R&B, or some good ole' down home music. "The word of God is just in me", he says. "That's how I lace my lyrics". You won't be able to deny the true tones of his music. Not just the notes and melodic arrangements. But the true beat of his heart. Melvin Duane keeps it real, reflecting his own truths with some controversial transparencies. Believing his authenticity makes it real for his listeners, and allows them to free themselves & embrace their own truths. Sending a vibe to his listeners that says, "You are not alone"! This Gospel music is not meant to drum up fear, but rather to strum chords of unity and strength. When asked who is Melvin Duane? He replied.... "I'm just a nobody, trying to tell everybody, about somebody who loves everybody. And, I just want to be like him!