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Something More To Know about Kader Sundy

Something More To Know about Kader Sundy Hello FB Friends...( TODAY: JOE LOUIS WALKER,) I'll post every day, a photo of artist I met on the road . Joe is one of the last dinosaur blues still activity there is much to say about his music, once more, my good star, a fact that I was the right time and the right place.... Joe Louis Walker, I have met him in Paris with Amar Sundy, we jammed in different club from the capital. He took me on his European tour in 2005 ...... Joe Louis Walker,(Photo 4) We rehearsed in the green room, before getting on stage at the Olympia, one of the most famous Performance stage in Paris... ( 2004 ).... By the time the San Francisco Bay Area had entered its blues renaissance in the mid-1980s, guitarist Joe Louis Walker had already been paying his dues for two decades. Merging the electric, urban sounds of West Coast and Chicago blues with the down-home acoustic traditions of the Delta, Walker never strayed far from what he calls "the real blues." In a career that spans more than 35 years, he's balanced tradition with innovation and made a significant mark on the evolution of the genre

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